Anti-Jewish Signs Circular by the Deputy Fuehrer, Hess to all Party District Heads (Gauleiter) Source : Yad Vashem Archive JM 10625 order of the deputy Fuehrer 29 January 1936 The Brown House Munich circular no 16/36 to all Gauleiters Among the signs put up by districts, municipalities, hotels and others declaring that Jews are unwanted in the region, there are some with a design lacking in good taste. I request that when putting up these signs, consideration should be taken of the fact that foreigners touring Germany are following closely the measures taken against the Jews. Most of these foreigners eventually welcome the German policy against World Jewry. Germany's reputation is not hurt by the legislation undertaken, but only from activity that is excessive and lacking in good taste. I therefore request that the signs put up declaring that Jews are unwanted be without any expressions of hatred (that is only signs 'Jews are unwanted'). I especially demand to refrain from signs hinting at possible punishment of Jews, such as 'Jews enter this place at your own risk' or other such phrases that include threats….